


13 items that are a fire hazard if you don’t clean them enough

You need to take note that these are the 13 items that are fire hazards if you don’t clean them enough. They may not obviously look dirty but if left untouched for too long, they can be extremely dangerous. 1. Toaster ovens Items touching the heat source can become extremely dangerous as they will begin to smoke much quicker than a crumb on the bottom tray of th


Significance of “response time” in responding to fire incidents

You have to be aware that a faster response time is significant for emergencies or incidents in order to improve communities' general safety, make the allocation of emergency resources more efficient, and improve situational awareness. Ideally, first responders are supposed to respond to fire incidents within the span of five to seven minutes within a 5-7 kilometer


14 Fire Code Rules you might not know you’re violating

You need to know what the fire inspection authorities are looking for when you comply with the most important building fire safety regulations. Knowing businesses' frequent fire code violations will help you pass fire safety inspections. You should take note of the most common building fire code violations:   Improper use of extension cords You should not


Home fire safety tips for you this holiday season

We would like to share some fire safety tips to make your Christmas and New Year fun and worry-free. Check your Christmas lights carefully. Defective and low-quality Christmas lights can cause fires. Check your old lights thoroughly and make sure there are no exposed wires that could be a source of fire. Also, make sure the Christmas lights you buy have Import C


Must-have fire protection system for your business

As a responsible business owner, you should have the following fire protection devices to not only protect your business establishment but also your personnel and the visiting people: Fire alarms and smoke detectors You should install high-quality fire alarms and smoke detectors within the workplace to ensure early fire detection and provide warning to members wit


Responding to fire incidents

How do you feel when seeing a fire accident? What instantly comes to your mind when a small fire eventually turns into a raging inferno? You cringe in fear, having the thought of losing your loved ones and friends from reality. You worry, thinking of the possibility of losing the precious belongings you’ve amassed through the years from your hard-earned money.



March 22, 2014– JCI Manila had opened their new season for the JCI Manila Basketball League. Attended by many company members of the JCI, the opening ceremony, was aweseme, mebers of the sport had their complete jerseys on. /*! elementor - v3.7.8 - 02-10-2022 */ .elementor-image-gallery .gallery-item{display:inline-block;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;wid


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